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I like to think that every style of music has its own moment or mood. If I need beats for yoga or want to dance around like a jellyfish, I dig EDM — Big Gigantic, Hippie Sabotage, Odesza, etc. — but if I could bring tunes from just one musician with me to a desert island, that musician would be Bob Dylan, without a doubt.
I appreciate a yoga studio that doesn’t take itself too seriously, isn’t overly pretentious, and doesn’t come off as “faux-Hindu” (my term). bulldog blends a positive attitude with a playful atmosphere and awesome music. It’s the perfect environment to get out of your mind and just get lost in the magic of movement.
I’m a thrill seeker, and one way that manifests itself is in my passion for AcroYoga and partner acrobatics. With acrobatics, there’s always an opportunity to go bigger, push the envelope, and try even crazier sh*t. All of this has influenced my yoga teaching and practice, because I’m always seeking new ways to defy gravity, challenge myself, and accomplish things that seem improbable. Basically, if you like to go big, come to my class!