Like you, I want to stay healthy. I want to look good and feel my best and rest assured that I am doing as much as I can to take care of my body. With so many health tips coming at me from seemingly endless sources — loved ones, social media, the Internet — it can be hard to know what to prioritize in pursuit of my health goals.
I’m realizing more and more, though, that there are plenty of things I don’t need to buy in order to stay healthy, and learning to determine what I should and shouldn’t invest in on a limited budget has been an important part of establishing a balanced lifestyle and becoming a healthy person.
I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you! Here are seven things you definitely don’t need to invest in financially in order to get and stay healthy.
1. Fancy workout clothes
I’m only human, and I know all too well what a boost to the ‘ol self-confidence it can be to show up pretty much anywhere feeling like you’re looking your best. The gym or a fitness class are not exceptions to this rule. If you’re feeling nervous about trying out a new workout, you might be more tempted than ever to dress for the occasion so you feel more confident. It’s a mental health thing, and it might make you feel like you look like a healthy person. But looks aren’t everything!
I won’t pretend that a great new workout outfit can’t give you the energy to jump out of bed for an early morning sweat session or make you feel a little bolder next time you try out a new yoga studio, but I will remind you that an expensive athleisure wardrobe is not a prerequisite for getting in shape or being healthy. Unless you’re trying to be a high-performance athlete, you don’t need to seek out specific gear to get out the most out of your workouts. In fact, you might feel more physically comfortable in sweats, shorts, and t-shirts that you’ve broken in a little!
Here’s a health tip from me to you: don’t be afraid to pick up a new workout outfit if you see one at a great price or are feeling a lack of motivation in your regimen, but don’t hold back from getting healthy just because you’re not 100 percent thrilled with your activewear game. It’s not necessary!
2. Home gym equipment
Sure, it’s nice to have a home gym, but it’s definitely not necessary for getting and staying healthy. According to experts quoted by the BBC, most people who have home gyms start out “gung-ho and fizzle out,” especially since the equipment is often stored in the basement or other less-traveled corners of the home where it can be easily forgotten.
Treadmills, stationary bikes, elliptical machines, and weight machines are big-ticket items, and you can get an at-home workout without spending that money. Bodyweight exercises actually offer the best workout in the game, and all you need for those is… your body weight! Less expensive equipment like yoga mats and resistance bands can give your fitness routine more variety without breaking the bank.
Additionally, you might find that making the investment in a gym membership or other fitness class (sup, bulldog yoga!) outside of your home is more motivating than your own equipment in the long-run, making it a better use of your hard-earned cash. According to Reader’s Digest, group fitness classes can offer more motivation than other exercise options. As an added bonus, instructors in those classes can offer great health tips for you to take home!
3. Pre-workout drinks + shakes
You may be getting health tips from others in your life who swear by the power of pre-workout drinks and shakes. I’m not up to speed on all the details of your fitness goals, so I won’t pretend to know whether or not these products can be beneficial.
What I can say, however, is that there are plenty of routes to becoming a healthy person that don’t include drinking pre-workout. If you don’t have access to it, it shouldn’t stop you from getting your body moving!
Per Healthline, pre-workout has its advantages and disadvantage, and they’re definitely not for everyone. In any case, you should do your research before you add them to your routine… and you can skip it altogether, too.
4. A fitness tracker
Fitness trackers and watches are very fun toys, but like the other items on this list, they’re not a prerequisite for a rich fitness life or the mark of a healthy person.
Many of these gadgets are on the pricey side, and you can hold yourself similarly accountable to your wellness goals using less expensive, more analog methods. Grab a pen and paper calendar and use it to track your workouts. Make an accountability pact with a friend and fill them in on your daily activities.
Down the road, you might feel inspired to upgrade to something a little more high-tech, but it’s not a must-have for general wellness. Plus, fitness trackers can break and need repairs… and who wants to deal with that?
5. A personal trainer
Personal trainers can offer individualized attention, useful health tips, and personalized workout plans, but working with one can be financially prohibitive for many people. Sometimes, I feel jealous of my friends who can afford to hire personal trainers, but I’ve been able to put together an awesome fitness routine without one — and you can, too!
There are so many free and inexpensive resources available online to help you plot out the best workouts for improving your balance, busting your booty, or meeting any other fitness goal you have in mind. And guess what? Taking a walk or jog around your neighborhood, working your core while you watch TV, or organizing a pick-up basketball game with friends won’t cost you a dime!
If you’re able to make a smaller investment in exercise but don’t want to break the bank, there are options beyond that, like group fitness classes or online workouts like bulldog online.
6. A meal subscription plan
If your Instagram feed looks anything like mine, you’re probably getting a lot of information about all kinds of subscription meal plans on any given day. A lot of these plans have their merits, but — and I know I sound like a broken record here — you definitely don’t need them to be healthy.
With a little research, you can access health tips and nutrition pointers online to help you ensure you’re eating healthfully and in line with your wellness goals.
7. Workouts you don’t enjoy!
Just because a workout fad or trend has worked for everyone in your life doesn’t mean that you need to participate in it. In fact, if you don’t enjoy it and it’s costing you money, it’s a total waste… even if you’ve heard it’s supposed to be good for you. Not all health tips are created equal, and you need to do what works best with your routine and interests.
Find an exercise that you enjoy doing and will feel motivated to come back to again and again. It’s a much better use of your time… and money.
You don’t need to invest in any of those things, but why not treat yourself to a class at bulldog? Check out our studio schedules. (Villanova | Boulder | Malvern)
***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes or via our app (App store | Google Play)! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***
Home gym image: chuttersnap/Unsplash; Fitness tracker image: FitNish Media/Unsplash