In our latest Mat Chat, Top Dog Katy poses a very interesting question.
We could go ahead and tell you what it is, but ya know what? Why don’t you just hear it straight from her.
Did that challenge at the end give you the chills, too?
Let us put it to you again:
“When you’re making choices and decisions, pause and ask yourself: Am I doing this because it makes me look good or am I doing this because it makes me feel good?”
There’s been a lot of talk lately about authenticity — especially as it relates to social media. Are we being vulnerable enough on our Instagram feeds? Are we showing the good, the bad, and the ugly corners of our lives with our off-screen friends when it’s so much easier to gloss over what’s really going on with vacation photos and tales of workplace triumphs? These questions of authenticity and realness have certainly been complicated by technologies that seem to constantly tempt us to only share the high points of our day-to-day, but being genuine was important long before we all became tied to our phones… and Katy’s challenge is a great way for all of us to check ourselves as we seek authenticity online and IRL.
Instead of allowing yourself to get tripped up by this recent, broader conversation about authenticity, focus on coming back to this core question:
Am I focusing on doing what looks good to other people or on doing what feels good to me?
Consider these moments…
When you’re out to lunch with a friend, order the spinach salad because it’s going to make you feel good – not because you think it will somehow make you look cooler and more put together to the person sitting across the table from you. And if ordering the cheeseburger is going to make you feel good, do it!
When you’re in the middle of a workout class, push yourself to that body-shaking-like-crazy point because it’s going to make you feel powerful — not because the people on either side will be impressed with your athletic prowess. And if breaking it down to the music or settling into child’s pose for a hot sec is going to make you feel good, do it!
When you’re going to a party, wear the heels because they give you a confidence boost — not because you know the rest of your group is going to wear them. And if wearing flats is going to guarantee a better night for you, do it!
When you’re preparing for a big meeting at work, pitch ideas to your boss because you know they’ll take the business in the right direction — not because you know it will look bad to take a fresh approach. And if coming in with a brand new plan is going to play to your creative strengths and earn you unexpected props from your co-workers, do it!
Are you catching our drift? Basically, you’ll only be at your best when you’re fully in touch with why you’re making the decisions you’re making… and moving toward the choices that make you feel the way you truly want to.
What have you done lately that makes you feel good, even if it didn’t look that great? Tell us more on Facebook + Twitter!
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Featured image: Taylor Ann Wright/Unsplash