We American bulldoggers spent this past weekend reflecting on the many things we’re grateful for.
Also, we spent it eating. Eating a lot.
As always, we have a lot to appreciate (even a few things we don’t even realize we appreciate most of the time) and our amazing team of bulldog leaders is wayyyyy up at the top of that list. These rock star yogis bring our special brand of yoga to life both in the studio and via our online classes, and we really can’t imagine what our community would look like without them. Luckily, we don’t need to find out, because we have awesome people like Brittany Hackman crushing it with us on the mat every. single. day.
We’re thrilled to shine a well-deserved spotlight on Brittany this month. Keep reading to learn more about what activates, invigorates, and exhilarates this one-of-a-kind leader.
What activates me: The biggest thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is connecting with and serving others. I definitely tend to be the peacemaker among my family and friends, and I have always thrived on calm, peace, and understanding. I feel most alive when I’m in a deep conversation, giving advice to a friend, helping my yoga students get into a tough arm balance, or teaching mindfulness to kids in inner city Philadelphia. Being a bigger, deeper part of people’s lives really activates me.
What invigorates me: Traveling! I spent four months of the past year traveling throughout South Africa. It turned into a sabbatical and personal journey for me. I learned so much about other cultures, connecting with people, and adventure — while also accepting my own flow. I volunteered in Peru teaching English and yoga to kids, and it was a life-changing experience. Travel puts so much of our life here in the U.S. into perspective, and my experience abroad was really special.
What exhilarates me: Dancing, power napping, problem solving, cooking, yoga-ing, meditating, running — and sometimes just plain old girl talk with my friends and cousins! To me, exhilaration is happiness, energy, and strength, and since I am constantly evolving, what exhilarates me is sometimes “a great and continuous unfolding” (to quote the author Cheryl Strayed). I want to learn from my mistakes and be proud of myself for my accomplishments. I allow myself to be full of many layers that can’t be defined by one conversation, one class, or one day. Every day is a new day, and there is no reason that today can’t be the best day of my life! I try to embrace the uncertainty and dynamic nature of life!
Check out our class schedule to find out when you can practice with Brittany next!
***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes — and make sure you check out our full line of bulldog swag, too! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***