We’re mid-way through January, and whether you love it or hate it, we have a feeling you’re still hearing a chorus of “new year, new you” almost everywhere you go. We’re fully on board with any opportunity to support our community of bulldoggers in stepping up to kick butt in brand new ways — and a new year definitely qualifies — but we understand if the phrasing is getting on your nerves. We are, however, going to borrow it for a hot sec, and change it up a bit for our own selfish purposes.
New year, same great team.
This version, of course, describes the crew here at bulldog. (See? We told you it was for our own selfish purposes.)
We may have switched over to new calendars, but we’re lucky enough to be bringing our amazing team of leaders into 2019 and — as always — we want you to know just how much they rock. Meet, for example, Nikki Rowinski, who’s getting her moment in the spotlight as we ease our way into a great new year. Keep reading to learn more about what activates, invigorates, and exhilarates her (and to see some pics of her crushing it in the Villanova studio).
What activates me: A challenge! I love to be challenged both on and off the yoga mat. In my yoga practice, I love a hard power flow. A challenge on the mat might mean learning a new, advanced pose and transition or it could simply be focusing on my breath and centering myself (which is difficult to do!). Mental challenges activate me, as well. I thrive on taking on new activities, learning new skills, leading special projects at work, and volunteering. I find facing challenges head-on really motivates me to let my light shine. I try to set an intention to grow every day in some aspect of my life.
What invigorates me: Music. No matter what activity I’m doing, I always have music playing. Whether I’m cleaning the house, driving in the car, doing yoga, or working, there’s always music! I grew up in a house that always played music and that’s just what I know and appreciate. I love music of all genres and decades. My family always listened to ’70s and ’80s music, and Prince and Madonna were my music idols. When I listen to Prince, I get so pumped up. I also spent many days making mix tapes of Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Hole, Busta Rhymes, Wu Tang Clan, and Salt-N-Pepa on my boombox. Every playlist I use in my classes at bulldog reflects my love of music, and I always include my favorite artists. When I play my fave songs, my energy changes, I get happier, and I feel like I can move mountains. It’s always a party!
What exhilarates me: My family and friends. Motherhood is exhilarating — and challenging — and with two young sons, I never know what will be thrown at me (sometimes literally!). I have to be on my toes and react quickly. It’s exciting to be with them and to watch them blossom as people. We laugh together every day. All I do with them is smile, especially when I see the spark in their eyes. I really love spending time with my friends, too, and making new friends in my yoga classes. When someone takes my class, I consider them a friend! It’s exhilarating to be part of another person’s wellness journey. I feed off of their energy and get excited to give every class my all. I want every guest to leave their mat feeling inspired, with a smile on their face, and taking a little piece of my exhilaration with them as they go!
Check out our class schedule to find out when you can practice with Nikki next!
***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes or via our app (App store | Google Play) — and make sure you check out our full line of bulldog swag, too! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***