7 bulldog-Approved Tips for Staying Motivated in the Winter Months

Baby, it’s cold outside.

For many of you bulldoggers out there, winter is way more than coming (that one’s for you, Game of Thrones fans) — it’s already arrived. It’s forcing you to unearth all of your heavy coats from the deepest corners of the closet. It’s making your dog very difficult to walk. And while, yes, it does bring with it some pretty scenery and holiday cheer, it also makes motivation more challenging than ever.

Jumping out of bed early for a workout is much tougher when you already know that your house is chilly. It’s easy to slack off of getting yourself to the gym or to the grocery store to restock your healthy snacks if there’s snow in the forecast. Generally speaking, we all lose a little of our “go, go, go” attitude as the winter months roll in.

As usual, we’ve got your back. We’re totally behind you if you want to chill out a little, but if you are looking to regain your usual motivation, here are some bulldog-approved ideas to help you do it.

1. Stop saying “should.” Switching up the language you use around things can make a big difference. The more you think to yourself that you should roast some veggies to have on hand for the week or should lace up your shoes and go for a run or should clean the house, the more of a drag it will seem. Drop the word “should” from your vocabulary and find other ways to describe the things you need and want to get done.

2. Start early. Even if the floorboards do feel a little extra cold on your toes when you get out of bed in the morning, getting a jumpstart on the day will give you the wiggle room you need to move a little slower (if that’s what winter does to you). Start checking things off your list — work tasks, meal prep, exercise, gift wrapping — early in the morning so you can stretch out the day. Once you’re feeling like your usual motivated self again, you can start setting your alarm later.

3. Make it social. We’re always big fans of making your fitness and other wellness routines a group activity, but it’s more crucial than ever in winter. Bringing friends into your workouts and healthy meals will make you more accountable
 and, more importantly, will make the whole thing way more fun.

4. Stick to your routine. The more you stray from your usual schedule, the more likely you’ll be to procrastinate and lose sight of the things you want to do from day-to-day. Don’t be so thrown off by snowstorms and holiday parties that you blow off setting your alarm, eating three solid meals a day, going to bed at a reasonable hour, and the like. It’s okay to go rogue every once in a while, of course, but if you want to maintain your motivation, routine is key.

5. Get creative. Still want to work out, but not so interested in leaving the house? Shake things up with at-home exercise! Our bulldog online classes and app are a great place to start.

6. Write it down. Stop making mental to-do lists and start writing down what you need to accomplish over the course of your day. Seeing your tasks and goals on paper in front of you will help you actually make them happen. Honestly, who doesn’t like the satisfying feeling of crossing something off a list? It’s the best!

7. Suit up. It’s a scientific fact that if you feel like you look fly in your workout clothes, you’re more likely to actually work out in them (instead of simply using them as an extra stop between your jeans and your pajamas). Well, if it’s not a scientific fact, then it definitely should be. If you feel your motivation to exercise lagging, invest in some cold-weather swag that will keep you warm and encourage you to be active. Why not check out our bulldog collection?

How do you stay motivated at this time of year? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!

***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes or via our app (App store | Google Play) — and make sure you check out our full line of bulldog swag, too! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***

Featured image: Jonathan Knepper/Unsplash; streetlight image: Filip Bunkens/Unsplash

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