We happen to believe that dogs are pretty perfect, pretty much all of the time. They’re cute and loyal and friendly and snuggly and dependable and… did we mention cute? There’s really only one thing you can do to make dogs even more fantastic than they are naturally… and that’s to put them in a hilarious dog Halloween costume.
Dog Halloween costumes might just be more wonderful than our favorite Halloween candy.
Don’t deprive your furry friend of the opportunity to participate in the Halloween festivities… and don’t deprive yourself of the chance to see your pet in all their costumed glory. These eight canine costumes are as simple to pull off as they are hilarious. We can’t wait to see how boo-tiful your pooch looks in one of them come Oct. 31!
1. Wizard of Oz Characters
Wizard of Oz fans, there’s no better time than Halloween to style your pooch into one of the characters from the classic movie. Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion are both simple and hilarious dog costumes.
Turn your pup into the scare-diest of all big cats with a lion mane wig topped with a bow. Add a medal of bravery to their collar for an extra touch! A Dorothy dog costume is just as simple. You really don’t need that blue gingham dress (let’s be real — that would be tough to wrangle your pet into!) as long as you have a braided brunette wig and a red sparkly bow for your furry friend’s collar.
And just like that, your pet is off to see the Wizard.
2. Beanie Baby
(We’re just going to give you a minute to take in how stinkin’ cute this dog is. Have you fully recovered? Great.)
Get back to basics this Halloween by transforming your sweet pup into a total ’90s icon: a Beanie Baby!
All it takes is a glue stick, construction paper, and a pair of scissors. DIY the signature “ty” tag with these basic supplies, then attach it to your dog’s collar. You can even give them a Beanie Baby name and write it on the inside of the tag to really mirror what these collectible toys look like IRL.
3. Donut
If your dog will tolerate wearing a DIY donut around their face, then you should totally take advantage… because this is easily one of the most ridiculous dog Halloween costumes we’ve ever seen. (And we’ve really done the research.)
Use felt or construction paper to design a colorful donut with a dog-face-shaped hole in the middle. It’s really that simple! And since your pup might not feel inclined to wear this costume for longer than it takes to snap a photo, it’s probably best that you don’t spend too much time making it.
4. Dog-Eating Fish
Some people might look at this photo and just assume that it’s a dog dressed as a clownfish… but isn’t it that much funnier to say that it’s a dog-eating fish or a dog being eaten by a fish?
It’s really all about semantics.
If you’re not the DIY type, you can find this fish costume for your dog online or at your local pet store. Changing up the way you describe it adds a fun (and weird, admittedly) little twist!
5. Ghost
Ah, yes. The classic ghost costume! Great for humans of all ages — and for dogs, too.
Find an old set of white sheets that you’re not especially attached to and cut out eye and nose holes to fit your pooch. Fido might be a little freaked out at first, but he’s unlikely to spook the neighbors.
6. Cowpup
There’s absolutely something to be said for simplicity… and there’s also something absolutely hilarious about these very good boys wearing small cowboy hats on their heads.
Why is this so funny? We’ll probably never know. But you can experience it yourself with nothing more than the purchase of a similar small cowboy hat.
Up the ridiculous factor on this dog Halloween costume by playing Old Town Road as your cowpup greets trick-or-treaters at the door.
7. Unicorn
Assuming you’re as dog-obsessed as we are, you probably think your pet is a unicorn in their own right, anyway — special, perfect, and generally unlike any other creature on the face of the planet. Celebrate that this Halloween by dressing them as a mythical unicorn!
Buy a unicorn horn headband or make one using basic craft supplies from around the house. If your pup is especially tolerant, they might even be content to wear a set of store-bought or DIY wings.
Bonus points if you have a corgi and can toss around the phrase “unicorgi” throughout the Halloween festivities.
8. Animal Crackers Box
Are you up for a slightly more elaborate undertaking with a dog Halloween costume this year? Use markers and cardboard to turn a simple wagon into a box of Animal Crackers and have your dog sit next to it, ride in it, or — for big dogs, especially — pull it!
This costume will work especially well for furry friends who don’t especially like having a lot of things on them. It’s all about the prop, but will still make a big impact.
Don’t forget to follow these amazing bulldogs on Instagram all year round!
Are your furry friends dressing up for Halloween this year? Tell us on Instagram (Boulder | Villanova) or over on our Boulder and Villanova Facebook pages!
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Featured image: Illumination Marketing/Unsplash