We’re about to deliver some potentially upsetting news.
Don’t get mad, OK?
Rest assured that we’re no more excited about this news than you are. But here goes nothing…
We only have one month left of summer.
We wish this wasn’t even a thing. We wish that the seasons didn’t have to change and that we could relish the sweetness of summertime all year long (except for maybe, like, one really beautiful day of snow). We wish it was always prime time for vacations and long weekends and outdoor wine nights with friends that last just a little too long.
Alas, it’s not. But the next best option is a pretty good one, and it’s to squeeze every last little bit of goodness out of the time we have.
Once again, we’re coming to you with ten rad music recommendations that we think will make the perfect addition to your August festivities. We’ve been rocking out to these jams over the last few months in our studios, at home, and dancing in the car with the windows rolled way, way down — and we hope you love them just as much as we do! They’ll be the perfect soundtrack for those final road trips, barbecues, and late night hang sessions with friends, family members, and neighbors.
Don’t forget to check out our Spotify channel for even more bulldog-approved music!
What are you listening to lately? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!
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Featured image: Jade Masri/Unsplash