When a member of our bulldog family passed this little chalkboard on a Brooklyn side street recently, she wasn’t the happiest camper. Just one week shy of the first day of spring, the temperature was still sub-30 degrees (with a wind chill of 16 degrees, to be exact), and she was bracing for a blizzard while still recovering from a nasty virus. One word: ugh. (OK, and maybe four more: Is it spring yet?)
Nestled in a display of colorful cupcakes and handmade paper crowns, this bit of chalkboard wisdom — while no cure for the winter blues or a nasty cold — was a much-needed boost.
Even though every day can’t actually be a party, we do get to choose every day if we’re going to ignore the little victories or celebrate them. Celebrating seems like the way better option. Whether it’s a successful presentation at the office, a surprising win for the elementary school basketball team, or a birthday that once seemed daunting but suddenly feels worth enjoying, there are infinite moments — big and small — in life that are meant to be observed with a little extra fun and flair.
And if you’re not big on cake and ice cream? No biggie! Celebrations come in many forms: a great yoga class, a healthy potluck dinner with friends, a dance party, or any combination of the three can do the trick. It doesn’t matter how you celebrate… as long as you do. Find the reason and go for it! Let’s be our own kind of party animals — the bulldog kind!
What’s your reason to party? Tell us on Facebook + Twitter!
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