Once again, we’re back to introduce you to another one of our kick-butt bulldog leaders. Meet Jenny Lofaro! Read on to learn more about what activates, invigorates + exhilarates her.
What activates me: Each morning, I’m greeted by this cuddly ball of black and white fur who has deemed herself my alarm clock, yelling (that’s right — she doesn’t meow, she yells) in my face to get up and cuddle her (all before 4 AM). My adorable cat Gisele helps activate me, reminding me to start my day off right with love. From growing up with pets to fulfilling my dream job of training marine mammals, animals have always been a powerful force in my life. The unconditional love and support they give you is priceless.
What invigorates me: Knowing I get to wake up each morning and help others realize their endless potential. We live a majority of our lives within our comfort zones, but I take joy in helping people navigate their way out of theirs. Regardless of how big or small the transition is, it invigorates me to help them realize that anything is possible with hard work and dedication.
What exhilarates me: I like to practice what I preach and push myself out of my comfort zone as much as I can, so I started training for and competing in triathlons and Brazilian jiu jitsu. This variety of disciplines has helped me grow physically and mentally, but it’s also made my life a little extra dynamic. Whether I’m hitting the mat for a training session or heading out to compete in a triathlon, I feel exhilarated every day I get to test my own personal limits, knowing I’ll get to grow with each experience.
Check out our class schedule to find out when you can practice with Jenny in the studio next!
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