Let’s Calculate Which Yoga Class is Best for You

Find out with our customized yoga class calculator.

yoga class calculator

When trying to figure out which yoga class is the best for you, wouldn’t it be nice to have a calculator that you could literally select — your experience, the pace you’re looking for, and your fitness objective.

Then, you would instantaneously generate the best workout type customized to your preferences?

Say no more.



First off – Do you know how many calories you burn in yoga class?

The Calories Burned HQ explains:

“A 60-minute yoga class will burn between 200 – 600 calories, depending on your weight and type of yoga. You will see that there are great differences possible in calories burned with yoga.”


Yoga has become more common in the last decade so more people are doing it. After all, it’s a a fun way to stay fit and flexible and also burns calories to help with weight loss.

Even people who are very unfit or overweight and have limited mobility can normally find a yoga style which they prefer over the other.


Save: Get 25 Days of Unlimited Classes for Only $25 –  Boulder  |  Villanova


NEW – Yoga Class Calculator

It’s as easy as typing in your preference on a scale of 0-10.  Give it a try Below!



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