No matter how much we love rockin’ out on our mats and supporting each other through intense, butt-busting flows (and trust us — we love both of those things), we also know that the world is way bigger than us and our yoga and our tunes. As a community, we do what we can to be mindful of the meaningful causes that we can contribute to with our time or talent, and when one member of the bulldog family is stepping up to do some serious good, we want to be right there with them.
One of our awesome bulldoggers approached us about helping her raise money for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and we knew we wanted to be part of her efforts.
First, allow us to refresh your memory on what exactly this organization is all about. The Boys & Girls Clubs of America‘s goal is “to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens,” according to their Web site. Founded by a group of three women (girl power!) in 1860, the national organization now oversees local Clubs all over the country, each of which sponsors programs for kids of all ages in areas like sports and recreation, the arts, health and wellness, career development, leadership, and academics. Kids from low-income communities who attend Club activities are proven to volunteer, exercise, and earn As and Bs more than their peers nationally. Pretty cool, right?
Loyal Villanova and online bulldogger and overall rock star Cassie Romano had been invited to participate in a 5K race to support the Boys & Girls Clubs, and she reached out to see if we could support her in her fundraising goals. Our answer? A big, fat YES. We worked together to organize a charity class at the Villanova studio in February, knowing that our tribe would jump at the chance to pitch in for an amazing cause, especially one with the amazing Cassie behind it!
Our Villanova community did not disappoint! (Not that we thought they would, duh.) Cassie’s goal was to raise $400 from the class, and with 30 guests in attendance, she managed to beat that goal, racking up $450 to support her 5K. Since Cassie is also an ambassador for Tone It Up, we were lucky enough to have lots of TIU friends at the studio. It was basically one big party… especially since Brittany Hackman was in charge. “Everyone was so amazing and #bulldogstrong,” Brittany tells us of the crew at the charity class.
We’re so grateful to be part of a community that prioritizes giving back, and so proud of Cassie for leading our charitable efforts and running on behalf of such an amazing organization. We’re lucky to have you in our family!
How do you like to give back? Tell us more on Facebook + Twitter!
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