We lurvvve taking as many as opportunities as possible to love on and brag about our stellar team members here on the blog — and it’s about dang time that Tessa Jenkins nabs her moment in the (leader) spotlight. One of the newest members of our bulldog management team and a longtime favorite among our guests at the Villanova studio and online (you can catch her teaching several of our anywhere, anytime classes, including Invigorate 1), Tessa is also a mom of two and an overall super cool chick.
Keep reading to learn more about what activates, invigorates, and exhilarates her.
What activates me: My alarm and coffee! Just kidding (kind of). Actually, a busy day ahead really gets me up and going. I love a full calendar — the chaos really kickstarts me. Sure, there are days when I would like to lay in bed all day, but most of the time, I like to live each day to its fullest and see what adventures (or wrong turns) are ahead.
What invigorates me: Spending time catching up with friends, taking a walk with my dog Gypsy or getting on my mat for a super challenging yoga class. I thrive on being around friends and moving to feed my soul and body! Teaching yoga also allows me to guide people on their mats to become stronger, more flexible, and more mindful — perhaps on and off the mat.
What exhilarates me: Spending time with my family, obvs. My husband and I are always juggling, but when we get to watch our daughters (Lola 8, Sloan 6) play soccer, play in the ocean, or attempt roller skating, we feel the greatest joy. Sometimes, we even join in on the fun! Being a kid at heart keeps our minds open to opportunities and keeps us feeling alive!
Check out our class schedule to find out when you can practice with Tessa next!
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