We like to think that we’re pretty hip to the music scene. We love to groove to Bruno Mars songs, Ed Sheeran songs, Rihanna songs, etc. You probably get it — we’re cool. But new and shiny isn’t always better! Throwback tunes — Tom Petty songs, Journey songs, Queen songs — are also pretty awesome.
And that’s why this latest round of music recommendations is dedicated to throwback songs.
It’s all about the old school beats that bring back memories and get us dancing. Also, can we talk about how crazy it is that we somehow seem to remember all of these lyrics?
Throwback songs are great for car singing, but they also make the perfect soundtrack for a yoga session (or a yoga party, which we know you want to throw)! Music can really act as therapy and keep your brain young, and according to the University of Nevada Counseling Center, up-tempo music may boost your optimism and outlook, while slower music may relax and soothe. You might be looking for any of these yoga benefits when you pull out your mat next.
Since diving into the old school music catalog offers a wide range of options, you can choose something fast or slow, depending on what you’re looking for.
We’d love for you to resist the urge to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of throwback music choices out there. Instead, we’re here to recommend a few tunes based on what we like to play in our Boulder studio and Main Line studio. Each one of these old school beats (the Queen songs, the Tom Petty songs, the Elton John songs, the Journey songs) is included on our playlists, which you can find on our Spotify channel.
Happy listening!
Interested in learning more about why music rocks? Check it out here!
What’s your favorite throwback song of all time? Tell us on Instagram or over on our Boulder and Villanova Facebook pages!
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Featured image: Lee Campbell/Unsplash