Are you sick and tired of thinking about your New Year’s resolutions?
Well, sorry. Because we’re comin’ atcha with another one.
With just a few days left before the official kick-off to 2018, we challenge you to resolve to mix it up in the new year. What do we mean by this? Here are just a few suggestions.
- Try a different route home every once in a while — preferably, a more scenic one.
- Test out a new workout. Your body can get bored with the same old, same old, so shaking up the routine will seriously pay off as you chase those other health-related resolutions.
- Listen to a podcast instead of your favorite playlist next time you pop in those earbuds. Or just try a different playlist!
- Take an online yoga class instead of zoning out in front of the TV.
- Break out of your cooking comfort zone by experimenting with new recipes in 2018. Not much of a cook? No problem! Bring your friends or family into the kitchen with you and see how fun it can be to prep your food! (At least to prep your appetizers. You can order the main course.)
- Allow yourself to indulge in your favorite treats. You’re worth it!
We’re big fans of mixing it up here at bulldog, and we work hard to walk our talk on the subject. (Don’t you just hate it when people don’t practice what they preach? Lame!) Check out this latest Mat Chat to hear more from Top Dog Katy about how mixing it up works around here.
Mix up your workouts. Mix up your poses. Mix up your daily routine. Mix up those big picture life plans that keep you so hyper-focused that you can’t pursue what’s actually best for you.
Bulldogs, let’s commit to breaking out of those comfort zones in 2018, and decide instead to do what feels good — even if it’s uncertain or uncomfortable at first. Our best bulldog strength is rooted in daring to be different. Let’s mix it up.
How are you going to mix it up in 2018? Tell us more on Facebook + Twitter!
***You can get the bulldog experience anywhere, anytime with our online classes — and make sure you check out our full line of bulldog swag, too! Don’t forget to subscribe to the bulldog blog so you can get e-mail notifications about every new post.***